Detailed translations for "questionable"


questionable(also: precarious)
questionable(also: open to question, doubtful)
She dared torave the scorn of those who might find her actions questionable or even unsavory.
Sie hat es gewagt, sich der Verachtung derjenigen zu stellen, die finden, das ihre Tat fraglich
You are putting our fate in the hands of a woman of questionable stability.
Du legst unser Schicksal in die Hände einer Frau, deren Stabilität fraglich ist.
questionable(also: open to question, dodgy, dubious)
I mean, they all have questionable morals, a complete distrust of soap products...
Deren moralische Kompetenz war fragwürdig und einige hassten Seife...
I've always believed that carrying children on a starship... a very questionable policy.
Ich habe das Mitnehmen von Kindern auf einem Raumschiff... ..immer für äußerst fragwürdig gehalten.
questionable(also: apocryphal, apocryphally, iffy, dodgy)
questionable(also: contestable, disputed, debatable, disputable)

English synonyms for "questionable"

questionable {s}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.