"quivers" in German

Detailed translations for "quivers"


Köcher{masculine plural}
Why did you dry the archers' bows in the desert and seal their quivers with weariness and sorrow?
quivers(also: quakes, shakes, shivers, jitters)
The poor maid quivers every time he comes near her. She just quivers.
Die arme Angestellte zittert jedes Mal, wenn er sich nähert.
My money keeps this yard going, and Sam quivers with fear at my..."
Mein Geld hält den Hof am Laufen, und Sam zittert vor Angst..."
quivers(also: quakes, shakes, tremors, quavers)
How everything trembles, quakes and quivers in sinful desire!
Wie alles schauert, bebt und zuckt in sündigem Verlangen!
Now the priest makes gestures to begin, and for a short while the air quivers due to the wings of
[Jetzt] gibt der Priester das Zeichen und für kurze zeit bebt die Luft unter den Schlägen riesiger

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.