Detailed translations for "redundancy"


1. general

die Arbeitslosigkeit{feminine}
die Redundanz{feminine}
But I discovered the absorption port and its redundancy had been tampered with.
Aber jemand muss am Absorptionskanal und der Redundanz was geändert haben.
There's no redundancy there.
redundancy(also: needlessness)
die Überflüssigkeit{feminine}

2. adminstration

redundancy(also: lay-off, layoff)
die Entlassung{feminine}
Quite a few factory workers didn't take their redundancy very well.
Einige Arbeiter haben ihre Entlassung schlecht verkraftet.
redundancy(also: lay-off, layoff)
die Freisetzung{feminine}

English synonyms for "redundancy"

redundancy {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.