"schoolhouse" in German

Detailed translations for "schoolhouse"


schoolhouse(also: school)
die Schule{feminine}
Because standing in the schoolhouse doorway didn't work for George Wallace, and it isn't gonna work
George Wallace erreichte so in der Schule auch nichts, und das Gleiche gilt für Sie.
She was so dumb, they finally had to burn down the schoolhouse to get her out of the second grade.
Sie war so dumm, man musste die Schule niederbrennen, um sie aus der zweiten Klasse zu bekommen.
das Schulhaus{neuter}
For many years, your father had wanted to rebuild the schoolhouse but there were always reasons we
Seit vielen Jahren wollte dein Vater... das Schulhaus neu erbauen, aber immer gab es Gründe, die
So much of what we learned in those early years was rooted in that small schoolhouse on Walton's

English synonyms for "schoolhouse"

schoolhouse {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.