"sepsis" in German

"sepsis" German translation

Detailed translations for "sepsis"


sepsis(also: septicity)
die Fäulnis{feminine}
sepsis(also: septicaemia, septicemia)
die Sepsis{feminine}
Cover for intra-abdominal sepsis and treat with antimalarials.
Sucht nach einer intraabdominalen Sepsis und behandelt mit Malariamittel.
Annika was admitted today with acute sepsis which probably resulted from tendinitis, which came
Sie ist mit einer akuten Sepsis eingeliefert worden. Die kommt wahrscheinlich von einer
die Blutvergiftung{feminine}
Staph infection, which causes cellulitis, an abscess, possibly mrsa, which could lead to sepsis and
MRSA, was zu Blutvergiftung und Tod führen kann.
By Thursday, his kidneys failed, and the sepsis and infection took three more days to kill his
Am Donnerstag versagten seine Nieren, und die Blutvergiftung und die Infektion... brauchten drei

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.