"skinny dipping" in German

Detailed translations for "skinny dipping"

skinny dipping

skinny dipping(also: nude bathing, skinny-dipping)
das Nacktbaden{neuter}


skinny-dipping(also: nude bathing, skinny dipping)
das Nacktbaden{neuter}
But that one time we went skinny-dipping in ash meadows, that was... that was pretty great.
Aber das eine Mal Nacktbaden in Ash Meadows, das war... echt super.
But if this whole skinny-dipping thing ever even happens, you have nothing to worry about.
Aber falls dieses ganze Nacktbaden jemals stattfindet, musst du dir wegen nichts Sorgen machen.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.