"sleeping pill" in German

Detailed translations for "sleeping pill"

sleeping pill

sleeping pill(also: sleeping tablet, sleeper)
das Schlafmittel{neuter}
My sleeping pill didn't wear off yet, so if I start acting like Joey Heatherton, you'll understand.
Mein Schlafmittel wirkt noch. Wenn ich mich wie Joey Heatherton benehme, weiBt du also warum.
In the light of these testimonies could Mr Krombach have given Kalinka a sleeping pill the night
sleeping pill(also: sleeping tablet, sleeper)
die Schlaftablette{feminine}
We can take a sleeping pill and keep each other up and just trip out.
Wir können eine Schlaftablette nehmen, wach bleiben und abgehen.
She took a sleeping pill last night. She's still asleep.

English synonyms for "sleeping pill"

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.