"studio" in German

"studio" German translation

Detailed translations for "studio"


studio(also: atelier, artist's workroom)
die Künstlerwerkstatt{feminine}
studio(also: atelier, artist's workroom)
das Atelier{neuter}
And I have literally millions of witnesses who saw her in the photographic studio during that time.
Und ich habe Millionen Zeugen, die sie zu der Zeit im Atelier gesehen haben.
Tanneke can sleep soundly... and Griet can clean the studio before she comes down in the morning.
Tanneke kann fest schlafen und Griet kann früh das Atelier putzen, bevor sie runterkommt.
der Senderaum{masculine}
das Studio{neuter}
That's a mistrial. Daniel, listen to me. This session is costing the studio thousands of dollars.
Daniel, diese Sitzung kostet das Studio Tausende.
You know what, we're here arguing and they're sitting in the studio burning up the hour...
Wir diskutieren hier, während die im Studio rumsitzen.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.