Detailed translations for "surreptitiously"


I awaited my chance and slipped in surreptitiously with a truck.
Ich habe abgewartet und bin dank eines Lastwagens verstohlen durchgeschlüpft.
surreptitiously(also: by stealth, crypto, backdoor, hidden)
I surreptitiously photographed these fiends earlier on this evening.
Ich habe diese Ungeheuer heute Abend heimlich fotografiert.
He breached her computer, surreptitiously watched her, and it gets worse.
Er hat ihren Computer gehackt, sie heimlich beobachtet und es wird sogar noch schlimmer.
surreptitiously(also: in a surreptitious manner)

English synonyms for "surreptitiously"

surreptitiously {r}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.