Detailed translations for "telephone booth"

telephone booth

telephone booth(also: telephone box, phone box, call box, phone booth)
die Telefonzelle{feminine}
I went to a telephone booth and put in a call to Inspector Oliphant.
Ich ging zu einer Telefonzelle und rief Inspektor Oliphant an.
For a telephone booth to put in a reverse call to my daddy.
Zu einer Telefonzelle für ein R-Gespräch mit meinem Vater.
telephone booth(also: telephone box, phone box, call box, phone booth)
die Telefonkabine{feminine}
telephone booth(also: telephone box, phone box, call box, phone booth)
die Fernsprechzelle{feminine}

English synonyms for "telephone booth"

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.