"urethra" in German

"urethra" German translation

Detailed translations for "urethra"


die Harnröhre{feminine}
Second shot tore through his penis and interior urethra at close range.
Der zweite Schuss riss sich durch den Penis und die innere Harnröhre aus kurzer Distanz.
We're going to use this scope to fill your bladder with saline, then examine your urethra for any
deine Harnröhre auf alle verengte Stellen.
die Urethra{feminine}
The urethra is located between the clit and the vagina, inside the labia minora.
Die Urethra befindet sich zwischen Vagina und Klitoris, zwischen den Labia minora.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.