"very first" in German

Detailed translations for "very first"

very first

very first(also: first-ever)
The very first Christmas Candle went to my great-great-great-grandmother.
Die allererste Weihnachtkerze ging an meine Urururgroßmutter.
Dozens were arrested, including drug kingpin Aram Kashishian. ...our very first camera.
Dutzende Verbrecher verhaftet, darunter auch der Drogenboss Aram Kashishian ... unsere allererste
very first(also: first-ever)
In the second trip I was 21. After an injury year '98 was my very first World Cup win on the
Bei der zweiten Fahrt war ich 21. Nach einem Verletzungsjahr '98 war mein allererster Weltcupsieg
I was, but my very first job with GATE was in Clearwater.
Aber mein allererster Job bei G.A.T.E. war in Clearwater.
very first(also: first-ever)
Kids,inthefallof2010, I was hosting my very first Thanksgiving.
Kinder, im Herbst 2010 veranstaltete ich mein allererstes Thanksgiving.
We had just moved her upstairs, her very first big-girl room up in the attic.
Wir hatten ihr gerade erst oben im Dachboden ihr allererstes Zimmer für ein großes Mädchen

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.