"was" in German

"was" German translation

was {pron.}

Detailed translations for "was"


was(also: were, has, have)
Man, there was nowhere we could go in here without being watched. I can't imagine what it was like
When I looked into it, it was the same day that a hydrogen bomb was detonated in the South Pacific.
Am Tag zuvor wurden im Südpazifik Wasserstoffbomben getestet.
was(also: were, has, have)
Do you remember there was a typhoon in Hong Kong last month? Wind and rain diluted the soil.
Das Entführervideo muss vorher gedreht worden sein.
A young African-American man named Allen Daniels was allegedly shot and killed by police.
Ein junger Afroamerikaner soll erschossen worden sein.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.