"were" in German

Detailed translations for "were"


were(also: was, has, have)
Pensions were squandered, lives were destroyed, and careers, once so promising, were now... ruined.
Pensionen wurden verschleudert, Leben wurden zerstört, und Karrieren, einst so vielversprechend,
It's called "post-neural shock syndrome." Your neural pathways were overloaded by the plasma burst.
were(also: was, has, have)
If two bullets were shot, If two bullets were shot, they would have been found at the crime scene.
Wenn zwei Schüsse abgefeuert worden wären, ...wäre die zweite Kugel gefunden worden.
I felt, eventually, that there were places that I could plot out, such as where the girls were
Es gab Orte, die ich lokalisiert hatte, wie der, wo die Mädchen getötet worden waren.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.