Detailed translations for "whistles"


whistles(also: tin whistles)
Blechflöten{masculine plural}
whistles(also: plonkers, twits, gits, twerps/twirps)
Pfeifen{masculine plural}
The males usually leave. Their whistles don't change, so they can find their way back home again.
Sie ändern ihr Pfeifen nicht, um zurückzufinden.
Bells and whistles and little men popping up at all hours of the night?
Glocken, Pfeifen und kleine Männer, die die ganze Nacht auftauchen?
Trillerpfeifen{masculine plural}
We would have to wear whistles on our necks or in our pockets. And if you ever heard a whistle, you
Wir hatten Trillerpfeifen griffbereit, und wenn man das Pfeifen hörte, kam man zu Hilfe.
Pfiffe{masculine plural}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.