"zucchini" in German

"zucchini" German translation

Detailed translations for "zucchini"


1. general

zucchini(also: courgette)
die Zucchini{feminine}
We've got sulfite-free grape juice and homemade, organic, non-gluten, fair-trade zucchini cupcakes!
So she likes Montepulciano Lebanese zucchini and science fiction.
Sie mag Montepulciano, libanesische Zucchini und Science-Fiction.

2. botany

zucchini(also: courgette, green squash)
die Zucchini{feminine}
It's spaghetti with broccoli and peas and zucchini And a light tomato cream sauce.
Das sind Spaghetti mit Brokkoli, Erbsen und Zucchini mit einer leichten Tomatencremesoße.
So if they are Chinese, I'd prefer pizza with... eggplant, zucchini and peppers.
Also wenn sie aus China sind, nehm ich doch lieber die Pizza mit... Auberginen, Zucchini und

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.