Detailed translations for "illegal"


Und illegal hier.
You are clandestine in a foreign country.
Mister Ray, unsere Nachforschungen haben ergeben, dass Sie illegal nach Hongkong eingewandert sind.
Mr Ray, our records show you entered Hong Kong as an illegal immigrant.
Was heute noch legal ist, kann plötzlich illegal werden... weil eine Gesellschaft es so
What's legal today is suddenly illegal tomorrow because some society says it's so.


Ich meine, diese Kerle haben illegal Menschen zwangsgeräumt, Familien auseinandergerissen.
I mean, these guys have been illegally evicting people, breaking up families.
Er hat illegal menschliche Organe gesammelt und mit genetischer Manipulation experimentiert.
He was illegally harvesting human organs, experimenting with genetic manipulation and

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.