Detailed translations for "schleimig"


1. medicine

schleimig(also: Mukoid, mukoid, schleimähnlich)

2. other

schleimig(also: matschig, schlammig, schleimartig)
Von außen kann man nie sehen, welche richtig schön schleimig sind.
But you can't tell from the outside which are the real slimy ones.
Schlangen und Frösche! Seit ich sah, wie schleimig das menschliche Gehirn ist, will ich nichts
And when I saw how slimy the human brain was I knew that's what I wanted to do with my life.
schleimig(also: klebrig)
schleimig(also: schmierig)

3. botany

schleimig(also: muzilaginös)


schleimig(also: schlammig)


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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.