Detailed translations for "assuage"

to assuage

beschwichtigen{transitive verb}
- And if you were the patient's family, I would want to assuage those concerns, but you are neither
- Und wenn Sie die Familie des Patienten wären, würde ich diese Sorgen beschwichtigen wollen, aber
The American Vampire League will let them put you in prison make an example of you assuage the
die Ängste des rechten Flügels zu beschwichtigen über Vampire, die in der Wall Street laufen.
There was some thought that you might actually want to hear this information, that it might assuage
Es wäre denkbar, dass du diese Information hören willst. Dass sie deine Schuld lindern könnte.
Are you trying to assuage your guilt by helping Hoyt?
Versuchst du deine Schuld zu lindern indem du Hoyt hilfst?
to assuage(also: to attenuate, to derogate)
vermindern{transitive verb}
to assuage
to assuage(also: to satisfy, to sate, to satiate)
befriedigen{transitive verb}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.