"awake" in German

Detailed translations for "awake"


Am I really awake now, or am I just dreamin' I'm awake?
Bin ich wirklich munter, oder träume ich, dass ich munter bin?
methamphetamines to stay awake and alert.
Methamphetamin sind um munter und wach zu bleiben.
awake(also: wakeful)
Oh, so you're awake enough to ridicule the boss, but not awake enough to wait on tables.
Oh, also bist du wach genug, um den Boss zu verspotten, aber nicht wach genug, um die Tische zu
Coolio is around. Would you also prescribe something for Tracy which would keep him awake during
Würden Sie Tracy etwas verschreiben, dass ihn während dem Sex wach hält?

English synonyms for "awake"

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.