English-German dictionary - Letter "B" - Page 132 to be doing porridgeto be doing timeto be doing your head into be domiciledto be doneto be done forto be done up/dressed up like a dog's dinnerto be doomedto be doomed to dieto be doomed to fail / to failureto be doomed to sth.to be doped upto be doubled up in tearsto be doubled up with laughterto be doubtful about sth.to be dovetailedto be downto be down and outto be down belowto be down in the dumpsto be down on one's luckto be down on one's uppersto be down the drainto be down to sb./sth.to be dressedto be dressed casuallyto be dressed identically in blackto be dressed in bright apparelto be dressed in sports wearto be dressed informallyto be dressed tashilyto be dressed to killto be dressed/clothed in blackto be dripping wetto be driving at sth.to be droppedto be drownedto be dueto be due for retirementto be due from sb.to be due to do sth.to be due to sb.to be due to sth.to be dutiableto be duty-bound to do sth.to be dyingto be dying of thirstto be eager for a prompt replyto be eager for knowledgeto be eager for sth./to do sth.to be eager to fightto be eager to learnto be eager to workto be earmarked for sb./sth.to be easily defensibleto be easily procurableto be easily reachableto be easily refuted/disprovedto be easily ruffledto be easily/accurately calculatedto be easyto be easy game/prey/meat/mark for sb.to be easy in your mind about sth.to be easy on sb.to be easy to reachto be easy to useto be easy/hard to digestto be echoedto be economicalto be edified by sb./sth.to be edified by the Holy Ghostto be effectedto be effectiveto be eighteento be eighteen years oldto be electrocutedto be eligible for election as sb./to sth.to be eligible for relief under the double taxation agreementto be eliminated to be eliminated from the tournamentto be embarrassedto be emphatic about sth.to be employed byto be employed full timeto be employed on a permanent/regular basisto be enabled to do sth.to be enamoured/enamored ofto be enchanted with sb.to be encrusted with/in sth.to be enemiesto be engagedto be engaged otherwiseto be engrossed in sth.to be enmeshed in a web of corruptionto be enmeshed in sth.to be enoughto be enough for everyday/simple needsto be enough to make one puketo be enrapturedto be ensnared in a conflict/scandalto be enthronedto be enthusiastic aboutto be entitled toto be entitled to a compulsory portionto be entitled to a pensionto be entitled to an estateto be entitled to inherit / succeed to sb.'s estateto be entitled to the right of residenceto be entitled to voteto be entrapped/ensnared in/by sth.to be entrenched in societyto be equal to sb.to be equal to sth.to be equal to the taskto be equipped with sth.to be espoused to a manto be essentialto be essentially a matter of sth.to be evaluated as unfit for military serviceto be evento be evidentto be evocative of sth.to be exaltedto be exasperated (atto be exempt from the withholding requirementto be exhibited in a museumto be expectingto be experienced in dealing with childrento be exposed at the surfaceto be exposed to passive/second-hand smoketo be expressedto be expressed in foreign currencyto be extinguishedto be extraneous to the caseto be extravagantly admiredto be extravagantly praisedto be extremely congenialto be extremely irritableto be extrinsic to sth.to be eye-catchingto be eyeball to eyeballto be faced with sth.to be faced with the choice of doing sth.to be fairto be fair game for sb.to be fair merchantable /f.m./to be faithful to sb.to be fallen overto be falling short of expectationsto be family-ownedto be famishedto be far away from sb./sth.to be far fromto be far from easyto be far from reachto be far from realityto be far off