Detailed translations for "chickenpox"


chickenpox(also: chicken-pox, varicella)
Windpocken{masculine plural}
Cartman, our parents sent us over there to catch chickenpox from Kenny.
Wir sollten uns die Windpocken einfangen.
The reason I'm staying here is 'cause one of my kids has chickenpox and I haven't had it.
Ich bin nur hier, weil einer meiner Söhne Windpocken hat.
chickenpox(also: chicken-pox, varicella)
die Varizella{feminine}
chickenpox(also: chicken-pox, varicella)
Kindsblattern{masculine plural}
chickenpox(also: chicken-pox, varicella)
Schafblattern{masculine plural}
chickenpox(also: chicken-pox, varicella)
Feuchtblattern{masculine plural}
chickenpox(also: chicken-pox, varicella)
wilde/spitze Blattern{masculine plural}

English synonyms for "chickenpox"

chickenpox {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.