Detailed translations for "varicella"


varicella(also: chickenpox, chicken-pox)
Windpocken{masculine plural}
You do know what that means? The correct question is, how could it be varicella given that she's
Die richtige Frage lautet... wie kann Sie Windpocken haben, die nicht jucken?
Of course, if the varicella was resistant, it wouldn't matter what they did up in Middletown.
Wenn die Windpocken natürlich widerstandsfähig wären, wäre es egal, was sie da oben in Middletown
varicella(also: chickenpox, chicken-pox)
die Varizella{feminine}
varicella(also: chickenpox, chicken-pox)
Kindsblattern{masculine plural}
varicella(also: chickenpox, chicken-pox)
Schafblattern{masculine plural}
varicella(also: chickenpox, chicken-pox)
Feuchtblattern{masculine plural}
varicella(also: chickenpox, chicken-pox)
wilde/spitze Blattern{masculine plural}

English synonyms for "varicella"

varicella {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.