"cleverly" in German

Detailed translations for "cleverly"


cleverly(also: sagely, sagaciously)
And you,Vittorio, have so cleverly disguised your hair.
Und Ihr, Vittorio, habt Euer Haar so klug versteckt.
It means a very unusual and very cleverly planned murder.
Es zeigt, dass es sich um einen sehr klug geplanten Mord handelt.
cleverly(also: smartly, cutely, shrewdly, cunningly)
You really love cleverly joined words and fancy people.
Du stehst total auf schlau verbundene Wörter und Menschen.
The one you so cleverly call the Beast.

English synonyms for "cleverly"

cleverly {r}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.