"cockpit" in German

"cockpit" German translation

Detailed translations for "cockpit"


1. aviation

cockpit(also: flight compartment)
das Cockpit{neuter}
What can I tell you, Captain? Engine mounts are shot, cockpit seals are cracked.
Der Triebwerksträger ist morsch, das Cockpit undicht.
" And the cockpit is not answering their phone. And there's somebody stabbed in business class. "
"Im Cockpit geht niemand ans Telefon und jemand in der Business Klasse ist erstochen worden."
cockpit(also: flight compartment)
die Pilotenkanzel{feminine}
cockpit(also: flight compartment)
die Flugzeugkanzel{feminine}

2. astronomy, racing car

der Fahrersitz{masculine}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.