"college student" in German

"college student" German translation

Detailed translations for "college student"

college student

college student
der College-Student{masculine}
You mean like "the 15 things every college student must do before graduating"?
Du meinst, wie die "15 Dinge, die jeder College-Student vor dem Abschluss machen muss"?
A 1 5-year-old girl in Nebraska a father of three in Maryland, and a college student in T exas all
Ein 15-jähriges Mädchen in Nebraska, ein 3-facher Vater in Maryland und ein College-Student in
college student(also: college girl)
die College-Studentin{feminine}
She's fine. My colleagues and I are here about a college student named Marissa Kagan.
Meine Kollegen und ich sind wegen einer College-Studentin namens Marissa Kagan hier.
college student
der Collegestudent{masculine}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.