"commandment" in German

Detailed translations for "commandment"


commandment(also: fiat, command, bidding, precept)
das Gebot{neuter}
Have you ever forgotten... the commandment of your Qin ancestors... to unite all under heaven?
Habt lhr das Gebot Eurer Ahnen vergessen? Alles unter dem Himmel zu vereinen?
who has flouted every moral law, broken every commandment who has crowned his infamy with murder.
der das Gesetz missachtet und gegen jedes Gebot verstoßen hat, dessen Niedertracht zum Mord führte.
commandment(also: precept, prescript)
die Vorschrift{feminine}

English synonyms for "commandment"

commandment {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.