Detailed translations for "congress"


der Kongress{masculine}
What do you think Congress would do if I relieve the big general? Congress would flay you alive.
Congress has rejected Paca's decision and referred the charges against me back to a court-martial.
Der Kongress hat Pacas Verfügung abgelehnt.


congress(also: convention)
der Kongress{masculine}
If this congress does not support the Massachusetts militia, it could very well dissolve,
Falls dieser Kongress nicht die Massachusetts-Miliz unterstützt,... könnte er genauso aufgelöst
A congress will be meeting in Philadelphia to determine how to recover our rights and liberties.
Ein Kongress kommt in Philadelphia zusammen,... um zu bestimmen, wie wir unsere Rechte und Freiheit
congress(also: meeting)
die Tagung{feminine}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.