"deodorant" in German

"deodorant" German translation

Detailed translations for "deodorant"


deodorant(also: antiperspirant, deo)
das Deo{neuter}
They told me that even though my deodorant is for a woman, it's strong enough for a man.
Mein Deo ist eigentlich für Frauen, aber es ist auch stark genug für Männer.
And I don't think deodorant is tough enough to handle this baby.
deodorant(also: antiperspirant, deo)
das Deodorant{neuter}
And I didn't put deodorant on today. The heat is just killing me, man.
Und ich...habe heute kein Deodorant aufgetragen.
Antoine's toothbrush, toothpaste and deodorant are all missing.
Antoine hat Zahnbürste, Zahnpasta und Deodorant mitgenommen.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.