Kaminsky disarmed him he disarmed him and he held him until two patrolmen ran up.
entwaffnet ihn und hält ihn so lange fest, bis 2 Streifenpolizisten kommen.
We would like your assurance that no more of our troops will be forcibly disarmed before that
And, Robbie? You'd better get the atomic self-destruct in here disarmed as soon as possible.
Unsere Selbstzerstörungsanlage muss
entschärft werden.
When we disarmed the nuke, we gained access to its onboard computer and cloned its hard drive
Als wir den Sprengkopf
entschärft haben, haben wir die Festplatte des Bordcomputers geklont.
The suspect disarmed you, shot up the FBI, and took your girlfriend as a hostage.
Der Verdächtige
entwaffnete Sie, schoss wie wild um sich und nahm Ihre Freundin als Geisel.
Sir Roland disarmed Heraclio.
Dein Großvater
entwaffnete Heraclio.