Detailed translations for "dishonorable"


1. person

dishonorable(also: dishonourable)
dishonorable(also: dishonourable)
dishonorable(also: dishonourable)
ohne Ehrgefühl{adjectiv}

2. matter

If he's proven corrupt, he'll receive a dishonorable discharge, and all such documents will be
Sollte er nachgewiesenermaßen korrupt gewesen sein, wir er unehrenhaft entlassen, und all derartige
Might not've ended up doing time, but he was definitely looking at a dishonorable discharge.
Hätte wohl nicht in den Knast gemusst, aber wäre definitiv unehrenhaft entlassen worden.

English synonyms for "dishonorable"

dishonorable {a}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.