Detailed translations for "ejaculation"


1. old-fashioned

ejaculation(also: exclamation, cry, shout)
der Ausruf{masculine}
die Äußerung{feminine}

2. other

die Ejakulation{feminine}
Did you know that regular ejaculation is a preventative against prostate cancer?
Wußtest du, daß regelmäßige Ejakulation Prostata-Krebs verhütet?
with the rest of the cases involving ejaculation on the body of the victims.
In den restlichen Fällen fand die Ejakulation auf dem Körper der Opfer statt.
ejaculation(also: heartfelt groan)
der Stoßseufzer{masculine}
ejaculation(also: quick prayer)
das Stoßgebet{neuter}

English synonyms for "ejaculation"

ejaculation {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.