Detailed translations for "force of gravity"

force of gravity

force of gravity(also: gravity)
die Erdschwere{feminine}
force of gravity(also: gravity, gravitational force, gravitation)
die Schwerkraft{feminine}
They use the force of gravity redirecting it into deferential equation slopes that you can surf.
Sie nutzen die Schwerkraft und leiten sie in eine Differenzialgleichungsneigung um, damit man
During flight training it took 7 times the force of gravity without even a headache.
siebenmal so starken Schwerkraft ausgesetzt...
force of gravity(also: gravity, gravitational force)
die Gravitation{feminine}
force of gravity(also: gravity, gravitational force)
die Erdanziehungskraft{feminine}
force of gravity(also: attraction, appeal, gravity, allurement)
die Anziehungskraft{feminine}
Because the force of gravity on Earth is less than that on Galactica, you'll be able to jump higher
Weil die Anziehungskraft der Erde geringer ist als die auf der Galactica. Ihr werdet höher springen

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.