English-German dictionary - Letter "G" - Page 49 gone crackersgone downgone downhillgone drygone easy ongone feelinggone firstgone fishinggone forgone for a drivegone for a run in the cargone gagagone in front ofgone insidegone intogone into a declinegone into detailsgone into hidinggone into itgone into solutiongone kaputgone limpgone longer than allowedgone madgone mouldygone nutsgone offgone off in smokegone off the railsgone ongone on a journeygone on aheadgone on and ongone on one's waygone on talkinggone on to saygone outgone out on a limbgone overgone over/exceeded the time limitgone past one anothergone past sb.gone phutgone placesgone rightgone roundgone shoppinggone smoothlygone sourgone splintersedgone stalegone straightforwardgone theregone throughgone through a crisis gone togone to collegegone to lawgone to meetgone to piecesgone to rackgone to ruingone to seedgone to sleepgone to the end of the linegone to universitygone to wastegone togethergone towards/towardgone under watergone undergroundgone upgone uphillgone wellgone whoringgone wildgone withgone wronggone yellowgonergone}gonggongsgoniatitic suturegoniometergoniometersgoniometric eyepiecegoniometric eyepiecesgonitisgonnagonococcal urethritisgonococcigonococcusgonorrheagonorrhoeagonorrhoeal urethritisgonyoncusgonzogoogoobergoober peagoober peasgoobersgoodGood afternoon!good alignmentgood and evilgood and propergood at heading