English-German dictionary - Letter "G" - Page 96 to get breakfast in bedto get breathing under wayto get brokento get burntto get buy-in from sb.to get byto get carried away with sweetsto get carried away with the atmosphereto get caughtto get caught in machineryto get caught on a speed camerato get caught up in contradictionsto get caught/find oneself caught in the offside trapto get chilled throughto get cleared upto get closerto get cold feetto get control ofto get crackpot ideasto get creditto get dirtyto get divorcedto get doneto get downto get down on your kneesto get down sb.to get down to brass tacksto get down to businessto get down to itto get down to sth.to get down to the nitty-grittyto get drenched/soakedto get drunkto get dumpedto get dustyto get encrusted/incrustedto get engagedto get entangled in a warto get even with sb.to get exasperated with sb.to get excitedto get exerciseto get fluto get footsoreto get fresh with sb.to get frightenedto get fuel/petrol/gas/dieselto get furtherto get goingto get going againto get going on sth.to get goose-pimples/goosebumpsto get guilted outto get handsyto get hold of to get hold of sth.to get hold of the wrong end of the stickto get hometo get home earlyto get homesicknessto get hoofed out of ...to get hopelessly lostto get huffy about sth.to get hungryto get into get in a bad stateto get in a fuddleto get in a huffto get in additionto get in on sth.to get in sb.'s wayto get in shapeto get in stepto get in the leadto get in the wayto get in touch withto get in touch with sb.to get in troubleto get indignant about sth.to get inkedto get into a conflictto get into a dialogue with sb.to get into a frothto get into a messto get into a muddleto get into a police stop-and-checkto get into a rutto get into a scrapeto get into a stateto get into a state of disorderto get into a stewto get into a tizzyto get into another's mindto get into bedto get into dangerto get into debtto get into deep doo-dooto get into difficultyto get into disorderto get into formationto get into sth.to get into troubleto get involvedto get involved in a big booze-up/benderto get involved in sth.to get irritatingto get it in the neckto get it on the nailto get it on with sb.