Detailed translations for "giving birth"

giving birth

1. medicine

giving birth(also: delivery, labour, accouchement, parturition)
die Entbindung{feminine}
For some women, giving birth is wonderful.
Für manche ist die Entbindung etwas Wunderbares.
giving birth(also: delivery, labour, accouchement, parturition)
der Geburtsvorgang{masculine}
giving birth(also: delivery, labour, accouchement, parturition)
die Geburt{feminine}
Yeah, well, for a normal red-blooded American human, giving birth ain't nothing like that.
Ja, nun, für einen normalen, heißblütigen amerikanischen Menschen ist die Geburt nichts
She sent me to St. Michael's, but, of course, there's no record of her ever giving birth there.
Sie schickte mich zum St. Michaels, wo man keine Akten über ihre Geburt fand.
giving birth(also: delivery, labour, accouchement, parturition)
das Gebären{neuter}
giving birth(also: delivery, labour, accouchement, parturition)
die Niederkunft{feminine}

2. other

giving birth(also: absolving, sprogging)

English synonyms for "giving birth"

giving birth {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.