Detailed translations for "hardly ever"

hardly ever

hardly ever(also: almost never, seldom if ever)
Orlov hardly ever takes a vacation and Spassky, who's supposed to have died driving a car, doesn't
Orlow nimmt fast nie frei. Spassky, der angeblich einen Unfall hatte, kann nicht Auto fahren.
And I don't hardly ever respond to that anymore. I just don't have the time to do it.
Ich reagiere fast nie mehr darauf, weil ich keine Zeit dazu habe.
hardly ever(also: almost never)
hardly ever(also: almost never, never, not ever)
Growing up 1,500 miles away from the ocean, you hardly ever get a really good sea breeze.
Wenn man 2.500 Kilometer weit weg vom Ozean aufwächst, spürt man fast nie eine richtig gute Brise.
Yesterday you told me that freight train hardly ever comes through here at 5am.
Gestern haben Sie gesagt, der Guterzug käme fast nie um funf Uhr morgens vorbei.
hardly ever(also: almost never, never, not ever)
I spent three years as a Trill initiate and in all that time, I hardly ever left the complex.
Ich verbrachte dort drei Jahre als Trill-Neuling und verließ in dieser Zeit fast niemals den
These days, he hardly ever leaves his trailer.
Der Kerl verlässt niemals seinen Trailer.
hardly ever

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.