Detailed translations for "hesitate"

to hesitate

1. about

to hesitate(also: to be in the balance)
to hesitate

2. other

to hesitate(also: to pause, to procrastinate, to haver)
And if you have any questions about the Jefferson Institute don't hesitate to call.
Bei Fragen zum Jefferson-Institut zögern Sie nicht, uns anzurufen.
Did you hear? They won't hesitate to execute me, and the president too. They'll execute the
Die Brüder zögern keinen Moment und machen mich fix und fertig, wenn ihr da aufkreuzt.
to hesitate(also: to waver, to dither)
to hesitate(also: to halt, to falter)
to hesitate(also: to be apprehensive)
to hesitate(also: to hover, to teeter, to dither, to seesaw)
schwanken{intransitive verb}
to hesitate

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.