Detailed translations for "hum"


1. of the traffic

das Brausen{neuter}

2. other

die elektrische Störung{feminine}
hum(also: drone, fizzling, purr)
das Summen{neuter}
It's the hum of my hardware, Mulder's porn tapes on pause, sounds from the street.
Wie das Summen des Computers, Mulders auf Pause gestellte Pornovideos, Autolärm.
The cooing of doves and the hum of dragonflies made it lonesome and like everybody's dead.
Das Gurren der Tauben, das Summen einer Libelle machten ihn einsam, als ob alle tot wären.
hum(also: purr, zoom, whirr)
das Surren{neuter}

to hum

brummen{intransitive verb}
to hum(also: to purr, to whirr)
summen{intransitive verb}
Can you come hum a little hail to my chief?"
Bitte summen Sie mir die Nationalhymne vor."
If you guess it, you get to hum one.
to hum
leise brummen{intransitive verb}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.