English-German dictionary - Letter "M" - Page 39 meal accompanimentmeal accompanimentsmeal allowancemeal bulk hoppermeal bulk hoppersmeal cardmeal cardsmeal centermeal centremeal mothmeal of the daymeal ready to eatMeal Ready to Eat /MRE/meal ticketmeal ticketsmealiemealiermealiestmealinessmealsmeals and drinksMeals before moralsMeals on Wheelsmealtimemealtimesmealwormmealwormsmealymealy amazonmealy parrotmealy redpollmealy-mouthedmealy-mouthed excusesmealy-mouthed porpoisemealybugsmeanmean annual floodmean annual precipitationmean annual temperaturemean annual temperaturesmean anomalymean average of crevasse distancemean celestial polemean dischargemean free pathmean functionmean high water levelMean Sea Level /MSL/mean squared deviationmean tidemean time between failures /MTBF/mean time to repair /MTTR/mean valuemean value theoremmean valuesmean variationmean velocitymean watermean-flow conditionsmean-spiritedmean-water level /MW/meandermeander coil systemmeanderedmeanderingmeanderingsmeanders meanermeanestmeaniemeaningmeaning of a/the wordmeaning of lfemeaning of lifeMeaning well is not the same as doing well.meaningfulmeaningfullymeaningfulnessmeaninglessmeaningless verbiagemeaninglesslymeaninglessnessmeanlymeannessmeansmeans for giving warningmeans for researchmeans of coercionmeans of condensingmeans of correctionmeans of designmeans of escapemeans of expressionmeans of identificationmeans of interventionmeans of legal redressmeans of mass exterminationmeans of mass transport / transportationmeans of operationmeans of paymentmeans of productionmeans of propulsionmeans of public transportmeans of public transportationmeans of rescuemeans of subsistencemeans of transportmeans of transportationmeans of violencemeans testmeantmeantimemeantone intonationmeant}meanwhileMeanwhile she has become domesticated.Meanwhile the children were scouting round for wood for the fire.meanwhile, prepare the sauce.meanymeaslesmeasles antibodiesmeasles convalescent serummeasles encephalitismeasles giant cellmeasles hyperimmune serummeasles immune globulinmeasles rashmeasles vaccinemeasles virionmeaslinessmeaslymeasurabilitymeasurablemeasurably