Detailed translations for "naïve"


But the problem is, I don't believe in it. You have to be completely naive to do this.
Are you really so naive to think that this black ops agency is just gonna let Catherine go?
Sind Sie naiv genug zu glauben, dass diese Geheimagentur Catherine gehen lässt?
naive(also: naïve)
naive(also: naïve, unenlightened)
They usually spend a week in villages, looking for naive girls. This works for them because the
Sie gehen direkt in die Dörfer und suchen nach Mädchen die noch ahnungslos sind.


Innocent or guilty, naïve or cunning, what did it matter?
Schuldig oder nicht, naiv oder listig, war das wichtig nach allem?
What we found were simple farmers too naïve to understand the consequences they faced for daring to
Was wir vorfanden, waren einfache Bauern... zu naiv um zu verstehen, was ihnen bevorstand... weil
naïve(also: naive)
naïve(also: naive, unenlightened)

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.