"playing field" in German

Detailed translations for "playing field"

playing field

1. sports

playing field(also: field of play, pitch)
das Spielfeld{neuter}
Well, I like to think we're in the business of leveling the playing field for victims, but...
Ich glaube wir sind in einem Geschäft, in dem wir das Spielfeld für die Opfer anpassen, aber...
But being on an equal playing field could have its benefits.
Aber auf demselben Spielfeld zu spielen, könnte Vorteile haben.
playing field(also: field of play, pitch)
der Platz{masculine}

2. other

playing field(also: sports field)
der Sportplatz{masculine}

English synonyms for "playing field"

playing field {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.