"predicament" in German

Detailed translations for "predicament"


die missliche Lage{feminine}
Now, to fully understand my predicament he must first appreciate the intricacy of the flux
Um meine missliche Lage zu verstehen, muss er zunächst die Flux-Anlage begreifen.
Should your houseboy's predicament not jog your memory... you may bid him Godspeed.
Sollte die missliche Lage deines Burschen dein Gedächtnis nicht auffrischen dann gib ihm lieber den
predicament(also: , catch-22 situation, quandary, quagmire)
die Zwickmühle{feminine}
And, yes, Ms. Clarke, I came to my senses and realized that your predicament is my opportunity.
Und, ja, Mrs. Clarke, ich habe erkannt und realisiert, dass Ihre Zwickmühle meine Chance ist.
You were actually enjoying my predicament back there.
Meine Zwickmühle vorhin schien Ihnen zu gefallen.
die Klemme{feminine}

English synonyms for "predicament"

predicament {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.