Detailed translations for "preliminary investigation"

preliminary investigation

1. law

preliminary investigation(also: preliminary inquiry)
preliminary investigation(also: preliminary inquiry, preliminary investigation)
die Vorermittlung{feminine}
preliminary investigation(also: preliminary inquiry)
Vorermittlungen{masculine plural}
preliminary investigation(also: preliminary inquiry)
die Vorerhebung{feminine}
preliminary investigation(also: preliminary inquiry)
Vorerhebungen{masculine plural}
preliminary investigation(also: preliminary inquiry)
die Strafuntersuchung{feminine}

2. law, s

preliminary investigation(also: preliminary investigation, preliminary inquiry)
die Vorermittlung{feminine}
preliminary investigation
die Vorerhebung{feminine}
preliminary investigation
die Strafuntersuchung{feminine}

3. other

preliminary investigation(also: preliminary examination)
die Voruntersuchung{feminine}
That's why we're conducting this preliminary investigation on charge of witchcraft.
Aus diesem Grund führen wir diese Voruntersuchung durch, wegen des Vorwurfs von Hexerei.
During the preliminary investigation you confessed that you had thrice dug up the deceased and
Bei der Voruntersuchung haben Sie zugegeben, dass Sie den Toten dreimal ausgegraben und zu den

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.