Detailed translations for "recently"


recently(also: lately, not long ago)
Halve the clinic hours that you recently doubled and double the hooker budget that you recently
Halbieren Sie die Klinikstunden, die Sie kürzlich verdoppelt haben und verdoppeln Sie das
It's only been as comparatively recently as recently that I've begun to realize...
Erst kürzlich ist mir zu Bewusstsein gekommen...
recently(also: lately, not long ago)
And my young friend has recently distinguished himself as an outstanding defender of the throne.
Unser junger Freund hat sich neulich bewährt ais Kämpfer für den Thron.
Mrs Thatcher I understand you recently visited the United States of America.
Mrs Thatcher, Sie waren offenbar neulich in den USA.
Kernan, who recently began a broadcasting... career, has not returned calls to ESPN News.
Kernan, der unlängst auch im Fernsehen tätig wurde, war nicht zu erreichen.
It seems Lavinia only recently found God, by way of a Catholic priest called Blackburn.
Scheinbar hat Lavinia unlängst zu Gott gefunden, durch einen katholischen Priester namens
recently(also: lately, not long ago)
You know, I was just recently reading about Major Carter's disappearance.
Ich habe letztens von Major Carters Verschwinden gelesen.
I have recently seen your superb design at the terraces.
Ich hab letztens euren geilen Reihenhausentwurf gesehen.
Topping the president's Agenda today will be a speech At the recently closed Hacker defense plant.
Höhepunkt wird eine Rede in der vor kurzem geschlossenen Waffenfabrik Hacker sein.
Very interesting. Particularly as the author claims that he's only recently completed the work.
Mir sagte der Autor, er habe das Stück erst vor kurzem vollendet.
I came here, I didn't want that. The problem recently is that we implemented the ban on teaching
Wir haben das Verbot, "Kreationismus" zu lehren, in letzter Zeit streng eingehalten.
We were wondering if Mr. Borges recently ordered a large shipment of Desk Friend products.
Wir fragen uns, ob Mr. Borges in letzter Zeit viele Desk Friends bestellt hatte.

English synonyms for "recently"

recently {r}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.