Detailed translations for "remain"
to remain
1. general
to remain(also: to last, to remain in existence, to endure, to persist)
to remain(also: to last, to remain in existence, to endure, to persist)
to remain(also: to last, to remain in existence, to endure, to persist)
So your man Saddam gets to stay in power, which means you, in all likelihood, will remain in his
seinem Dienste bestehen bleiben wirst.
to remain(also: to last, to remain in existence, to endure, to persist)
to remain(also: to last, to remain in existence, to endure, to persist)
to remain(also: to last, to remain in existence, to endure, to persist)
persistieren{intransitive verb}
to remain(also: to last, kept}, to keep {kept, to tarry)
This is a complete metaphor for what Kubrick is on about, because the elevator's doors remain
Die Fahrstuhltüren bleiben nämlich geschlossen.
Ladies and gentlemen, please remain in your seats and keep your seatbelts fastened.
Bitte bleiben Sie sitzen, und bleiben Sie angeschnallt.
to remain
The French General Lafayette's will stipulated his papers remain here under the sign of the cross.
Der französische General Lafayette wollte... dass seine Papiere... unter dem Kreuz verbleiben
Thus far, the cars remain on the ocean floor as the Germans refuse to clean up the disaster.
Bisher verbleiben die Autos am Meeresboden, da die Deutschen sich weigern, das Unglück aufzuräumen.
to remain
übrig bleiben{intransitive verb}
The only vestiges that remain are the voice commands we use to control them.
Die einzigen Reste, die übrig bleiben sind die Stimm-Kommandos, die wir zu deren Kontrolle
This is the last that remain of us, of the human race.
Wir sind die Letzten, die übrig bleiben werden von der menschlichen Rasse.
to remain
The homogeneous elements which remain are then driven together to form the conglomerate by the laws
Die homogenen Elemente, die übrig bleiben werden dann gezwungen um zusammen das Konglomerat zu
to remain
How many more of his psychotic students remain hidden in the shadows?
Wie viele seiner irren Schüler verharren versteckt im Schatten?
Over 10,000 lost souls remain here, sweetie.
Über 10.000 verlorene Seelen verharren hier, Süße.
to remain(also: to remain in existence, to continue, to continue to exist, to still exist)
to remain(also: to remain in existence, to continue, to continue to exist, to still exist)
weiterhin bestehen{intransitive verb}
2. behind
to remain(also: to stay, to stay behind, to stick around, to stay there)
dableiben{intransitive verb}