"violin" in German

Detailed translations for "violin"


violin(also: fiddle)
die Geige{feminine}
But you really shouldn't write on a violin like that because you have to treat a violin like a
And now, my daughter started taking violin lessons and I'm losing my mind with the sound of that.
Meine Tochter lernt Geige spielen und treibt mich damit in den Wahnsinn.
die Violine{feminine}
Can you hear any music, by chance? Any unknown Cajkovskij? A "Silence for violin and orchestra"?
Ist das Tschaikowskis unveröffentlichte "Stille für Violine und Orchester"?
Seriously, the second and first violin aren't hierarchical, they're just different roles.
Erste und Zweite Violine bilden keine Hierarchie. Es sind verschiedene Rollen.

English synonyms for "violin"

violin {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.