"alarm clock" in German

Detailed translations for "alarm clock"

alarm clock

alarm clock(also: alarm-clock, alarmer)
der Wecker{masculine}
As if my alarm clock wasn't enough,... ..it was time for my late afternoon wake-up callfrom Jazz.
Als wäre mein Wecker nicht genug kam der übliche Nachmittags-Weckruf von Jazz.
One alarm clock malfunction... and suddenly you're demoted and sent to Deliverance territory.
Nur, weil einmal der Wecker nicht geht, wird man gleich degradiert und an den Arsch der Welt


alarm-clock(also: alarm clock, alarmer)
der Wecker{masculine}
My alarm-clock didn't go off.

English synonyms for "alarm clock"

alarm clock {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.