English-German dictionary - Letter "B" - Page 116 burst / break in a water pipeburst asunderburst can monitorburst cloudburst cloudsburst diaphragmburst diaphragmsburst disc/diskburst discs/disksburst distanceburst errorburst error correcting capabilityburst errorsburst factorburst flagburst flagsburst generatorburst inburst indexburst lengthburst levelburst loss rateburst modeburst noiseburst of applauseburst of energyburst of fireburst of gunfireburst of ionizationburst of laughterburst of sparksburst of tyre/tireburst openburst pipeburst pressureburst ratioburst sequenceburst sequencesburst signalburst slugburst strength factorburst strength factorsburst switchingburst testburst trafficburst transmissionburstedbursted into bloombursted out cryingbursted out laughingbursterburstersburstingbursting asunderbursting chargebursting chargesbursting conebursting conesbursting disc/diskbursting discs/disksbursting effectbursting foilbursting foilsbursting fracturebursting fracturesbursting inbursting into bloombursting of the dambursting openbursting out cryingbursting out laughingbursting powderbursting pressurebursting shellbursting strengthbursting testbursting testsbursting with energybursts bursts / breaks in a water pipebursts of energybursts of firebursts of gunfirebursts of laughterburst}burtonizingburu honeyeaterburu i white-eyeburu is cuckoo shrikeburu jungle flycatcherburu racket-tailed parrotBurundiBuryatBuryat-MongolBuryatiaBuryatianburyingburying beetleburying beetlesburying cable plough /plowburying inburying yourselfbusbus barbus barsbus baybus baysbus cablebus cablesbus carrierbus carriersbus clockbus companiesbus companybus connectionbus connectionsbus connectorbus connectorsbus controllerbus driverbus driversbus extenderbus hostessbus hostessesbus interfacebus linebus number 42bus ridebus routebus routesbus seatbus semi-trailerbus semi-trailersbus servicebus shelterbus sheltersbus stationbus stationsbus stopbus systembus systemsbus terminalbus terminalsbus terminationbus ticketbus trailerbus trailersbus tripbus tripsbus wireBusanbusbarbusbar supportbusbar supportsbusbar trunking systembusbar trunking systemsbusbars