"go" in German

Detailed translations for "go"

to go

1. by sth.

to go
fahren{intransitive verb}
- Let's go home. - Ellen... the first time I saw your mother... she was so filled with light.
Let's go get our car and... we'll drive out of this town and go where we want to go anytime we
Und wir fahren dahin, wohin wir wollen und wann wir wollen.

2. in a place

to go
gehören{intransitive verb}
It's actually the same thing. It's the orchestra and the youth orchestra, they go together.
Das Orchester und das Jugendorchester gehören zusammen.
The only difference is the monastery you're gonna go back to... doesn't believe in chastity... or
Und dazu gehören auch gewisse fotoerogene Bewegungsabläufe.

3. other

They look like kerf marks, but they don't go into the bone. They go along the bone.
Sie sehen aus wie Sägeschlitze, aber sie verlaufen nicht in den Knochen hinein.
Michael's vision on where he wanted this case to go was very clear.
Michael wusste genau, wie der Prozess verlaufen sollte.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.